Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cool Channels For Miro

As mentioned in an earlier blog, Miro is a great free app that allows you to set up video podcasts as separate channels. Here are a few channels that I watch regularly:

WebbAlert : A daily post that centers around technology news. It's usually only about 5 minutes every day and it gives you a good overview of what's going on in the world of techgeeks

Tekzilla: This is a half hour show posted once a week, they cover a wide variety of tech issues (a recent $500 PC episode inspired the build of my "GlassMac")

Apple Quick Tip of the Week: self-explanatory If you can deal with the annoying host, the info isn't half bad

MacBreak: Mac related news

TEDTalks: A series of lectures given by the brightest minds of our time, maybe a little too nerdy for most of you

Experiment of the Week: I'm a science geek at heart and this guy reminds me of all my science teachers in high school

Check our Miro for other non-tech related videos as well.

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